Innate Skills – Loving Your Differences Series #2
Posted on September 29, 2023 | BY Kim Seer
Understanding Your Innate Skills
Your skills may greatly accent what you are doing now or may rocket you into an exciting new direction that feels more natural to you than anything you’ve ever felt before. Here is another way that I experienced life that may seem familiar to you. For the longest time, I felt I was broken – when people died, someone left my life, or a big event happened in life. These events had people around me really experiencing this loss, sadness, or tragedy.
I would look around and see everyone reacting and think to myself, why am I not feeling the same way? Why am I not grieving or being affected like everyone else? I care deeply, I love deeply, why am I not feeling this the same way?
Has this ever happened to you?
Our lack of understanding as to why we are the way we are can lead to confusion and feeling different than everyone else. What I’ve come to understand about why we don’t express our emotions like this is due to the fact that we are at an innate level. We still remember that “life” as we know it isn’t something that can be “lost.” Death is not considered a grievous problem or huge loss but rather an event to be celebrated. Whether you can put it into those words or not, that really is the basic understanding behind why you don’t react intensely when someone leaves or passes on. You miss them, yet it doesn’t devastate your life. You have a knowing that nothing real can be lost.
Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists. As written in the Course Of Miracles book.
How you might be experiencing innate skills that you don’t even recognize are skills.
• Do you walk into a room or look at something and see all the things that are out of order or not right first? It’s just like your eyes automatically see these things, and you wonder why everyone doesn’t seem even to see them.
It’s because they don’t. How you see things that others don’t is an innate skill and can be used to move into very high places once you know this skill and how to use it in your workday.
This skill is called a miss matcher. Company’s LOVE miss matches – you are highly desired. You see what’s not done first before you see what IS done. You can’t help it; it’s just how you are. It can frustrate some people who are around you, especially in your personal life.
• Here’s another – Do you get a sense about things? The sense oftentimes feels like it starts in your solar plexus. If you follow it, it often works in your favor.
My family has a habit of being in the right place at the right time. Now, I’m the only one in my family who understands and uses it consciously. Yet that doesn’t keep the rest of my family from benefitting from it if they choose to follow it.
My Dad, in particular, seemed to be in the right place at the right time. Got a “hit” or sense about things and had the courage to follow them. He benefitted from this in life and financially in big ways.
Whether you get a “hit” or a sense about what direction to go in, what parking spot to take.
• Here’s a good one many of you do and don’t realize – when you are driving – do you get a sense about what lane to be in, follow it, and find you move through traffic with minimal issues? I LOVE driving because of this very thing. I make driving fun.
• Do you look at something and see forms or shapes in it? Or see what something “could be?” This is definitely a skill!
• Do you see things that other people don’t see at all? Most of the time, you are “seeing” things on what we would call your internal eyes.
• Do you have a skill with numbers?
• Do you sense what’s going on with another person, physically, mentally, or emotionally? This is a HUGE skill most people pass right on back, thinking everyone must see or feel things the same way. No, they don’t!
Have you experienced anything like this?
These are just a few of the many, many innate skills you could have. What is most important is:
• Acknowledge that these exist and stop denying them.
• Secondly, start working with them and let them build your trust.
Most importantly ~ Love your differences. They make you uniquely you.
Realize that these are special skills. Denying them won’t make them go away. They are part of you.
If you start working with them consciously, will enrich your life 10 to 50-fold.
If you are determined to understand better and work with your innate skills, we are here to help:
• Register today for our Life~Health~Healing course.
• Mentoring – Do you want to work personally with me? Let’s cut right to exactly what is happening. We can identify and remove – any blocks, traumas on any level, fears of any kind. Then, turn your skills volume up to where you are comfortable. You now know where the remote is and how to use it.
Take Action Now! Set yourself up for success!
Thinking that we can and will do this ourselves is a game of illusion. 98% of people will get distracted and the very thing that could make a difference in your life, as the boat sails away. Don’t be that person. What we share together strengthens us all. You don’t have to deal with anything by yourself.
We are ALWAYS stronger together than any one of us alone.
Until we meet again, we wish you happiness and prosperity!