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    Consultations and Mentoring

    Do you get distracted & lose focus?

    "You will be hard pressed to find another Medical Intuitive that matches a passionate highly skilled intuitive like Kim Seer. " Nancy Rebecca, RN Tacoma WA

    When it comes to being knowledgeable about your exact next steps needed you will find Kim Seer always one step ahead of knowing what you need. 
    In that first appointment, she moves you quickly out of a state of survival and into a place of thriving again.  Kim Seer has a “Never give up” intentional mentality, no matter what you bring to your session. Nancy Rebecca
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    Medical Intuitive Reading

    What is a Medical Intuitive and how does it work?

    Kim has the ability to connect in with your body to find out what is the true source of the issue and how to resolve it. A session does not require you to be in person as a long distant reading is just as effective. The results experienced are the same. Your body is an amazing machine capable of so much more than science knows or we give it credit for.

    Kim can get your body to help itself quite nicely. Don’t wait another minute. Are you ready to feel strong, vibrant and healthy again?


    Healing Sessions​

    Providing leading edge healing sessions are Kim’s expertise. She was born with the gift of healing through a strong linage. For over 25 years Kim has continued to develop effective healing techniques. These are so effective, Kim has been teaching others how to perform these techniques on their clients internationally. Kim listens to every part of your body and being to identify precisely what is the cause of any issue or disease. Then, she goes directly to the place where all of this originates.

    Working with you and your body, she starts the resolution and healing process. Doctors & mental health practitioners refer patients to Kim as her skills can often identify what the issue is. Her resolution tools can often resolve challenges where tests, surgeries and medicines do not.



    Kim’s ability to pin-point areas in life that are not progressing is truly quite amazing. If you wish to make progress in big ways in your life, come ready to dig in! Her willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise are endless. She works with you exactly where you are in your development. No matter what or when the challenge began, if you are willing …

    Resolution will be achieved. You will be amazed at the progress you can get in a short period of time.

    This is time and money well spent!