Love Your Differences & Seize The Day!
Posted on September 29, 2023 | BY Kim Seer
Utilize the value of your innate skills and knowledge. It’s time to take the helm of your strengths
This is the first in our “Love Your Differences” series.
In my travels internationally, there are a couple of questions that I get asked the most – “How do I have innate skills?” Or “What is my path?” This is where the fun begins! I find it most effective to show them, in their own life, how these skills are already in motion.
So what about you? Do you think you have any innate skills? I bet you do. You likely use them every day. What you may not recognize is these innate skills are part of your soul’s path. These skills are just a natural part of how your mind operates. You don’t think much about them.
Not utilizing your innate skills is like leaving a pile of money on the table. The funny part is that you can easily see others not using their skills, and you would think, “Oh, they’re so good at this…why aren’t they doing something with it?” It’s like saying, “Who would just leave a pile of money out here on the table? That’s crazy.”
I wonder if you’ve ever experienced this? I grew up feeling like the odd one out, not conforming to the standards expected.
I realized at a pretty young age that I saw things differently. Have you ever felt that way? Different in the ways I understood things, how I saw people, how I saw life. These “different” awarenesses were my strengths and innate skills on my path.
I realized that if I paid attention to these innate skills, they would serve me VERY WELL in my life and create a life path for me that could never be learned at any university.
Perhaps the very things that you feel or understand may be the very things that are the foundation that, if built upon, become the catalyst to your very best life.
Here are 3 primary things that hinder us the most from recognizing these innate skills:
Lack of understanding – not realizing that these things are skills. These “I don’t know, it’s just what I do,” “it’s just how I am, nothing special.” Oh really!?!
Fear about what others may think If you follow those skills. Expectations of others are a passion killer. We want others to tell us we’re successful, and when it doesn’t happen, we feel low.
• The last one is the courage to follow or take action on our skills or instincts. If you have the courage to jump out there – it can make you feel alone.
Does any of this feel familiar?
One of my innate skills occurs when I look at a person. The first thing I see is “who they really are.” I see what they are really capable of, their true strengths, skills, and power. In realizing that these attributes were not the human physicalities that everyone else seemed to cherish, that was confusing to me.
Quickly, I realized that it wasn’t that everyone couldn’t see each other in the manner that I do. It was that this avenue was blocked or partially blocked for many people.
What I KNEW FOR CERTAIN was that everyone could see this same way.
I have spent my career helping people fully realize their gifts/skills and get the most from their abilities. Here is what I know for certain:
If you spend your only living life between the lines, you will experience ⅓ to ½ of what life offers.