Struggling Over Decisions
Posted on September 29, 2023 | BY Kim Seer
Today, we wish to offer you a perspective to consider. We see YOU and recognize that you can do so much more in your life than you know.
In the 25 + years that I’ve worked with thousands of clients, one situation that is common for people is struggling with making decisions.
We can twist ourselves around, analyzing everything. So afraid of making the wrong decision. Often, we procrastinate, consciously or subconsciously, so that we don’t have to make any decisions. Note to self – not making a decision IS making the decision.
Have you ever struggled with making a decision about something?
What we are taught about decision-making is often based, in some part, on what other people think. When we are children, all the way through adulthood, our parents seem to be often the loudest voice in the room. The next influential voices can come from our friends, family, mates, or society.
Weighing what the perceived opinions are can add more stress to the process. We can fall into that trap of not wanting to make the “wrong decision.” So we just keep going over and over – Do we pick the yellow door, red door, or blue door? Analyzing each and weighing the pros and cons can create stress.
Let’s back up, out of what we’ve been told about life. For a moment, let’s pause what we “think” we know. Come with me, and let’s back up from what we “think.” Let’s rise up and over so that we can now see across the whole chessboard of your life. This vantage point isn’t connected to any judgment. There is no context for right or wrong. The vantage point is based on the energy of every life.
Note: We will talk about free will and how that affects decisions.
Universal truth #1: You can’t make a wrong decision. What’s behind the yellow door, red door, or blue door – isn’t what matters. No decision is a wrong decision.
Here’s the Key: Life is about opportunities, not destinations.
It’s about what opportunity you choose and how you walk through it. It’s not actually about whether you make the right choice.
The only difference between the doors, simply, is in what kind of experience you do you wish to have.
Universal Truth #2: Choose your experience.
A. Would you like the easy way – smooth, steady, step-by-step? For many people, subconsciously, that’s boring…they like a little spice in their life.
B. Perhaps you prefer some hills and valleys, a bit of scenery? Keep it interesting, yet keep down the intensity to a mild roar.
C. Or do you like adventure? Are you a rollercoaster kind of person? Your heart beats very fast as you hear the cart sound slowly clicking up the first hill…click, click, click. Maybe consciously or subconsciously, maybe you like the rush of the highs and lows.
No matter what kind of outcomes you like, it doesn’t change the opportunity to get something specular out of it.
How do I know you can’t make the wrong decision? Let’s talk about how things move in and out of your life.
Life is full of what we call Aligned Interactions – 92% of your life is spent moving from one aligned interaction to another.
Aligned Interactions will connect you with the right people, you receive the right information, and have the right interactions that will lead to your next choice. Most aligned interactions are a way to get from point A to point B. These occur whether we have any idea or not. Aligned interactions can be minor, major, or anywhere in between.
I’m sure you’ve experienced a daily flow of these, like meeting “just the right person” at the right time. Or, you are in “just the right place” to hear or read the right piece of information that moves you to your next space. You might even think of some of these things as synchronistic. Have you found yourself at the right place and the right time before?
Those types of interactions, from little to big, happen constantly, so much so that you aren’t even aware of them. Yet your mind anticipates them. Most of the aligned interactions are working to line up the right people, situations, conditions, etc., so that the aligned interactions can occur.
Can you even imagine what it would take to make the same to make the correct person meet at precisely the right place at the same time? Logistically, the mathematical equation would be complex.
There is a second type of event that happens in your life. These are the ones that you innately have a sense of. These are the crazy things you sense coming and become afraid of missing.
These are called Destined Experiences. A destined experience is just that – Destined. These happen 8% of the time in your life.
How do we know that you CAN’T make a wrong decision?
Destined Experiences says so.
No, Destined Experiences aren’t established with conditions – i.e., if you make this decision, you will get this……
Destined Experiences will find you no matter where you’re at, no matter what road you chose, or decisions you made.
I.E., Be a hippie or work on Wall Street. Either is good for the Universe. The Universe has no rights or wrongs. It’s all about which opportunity you choose to experience.
So the truth – any BIG things in your life that will occur, you will experience no matter what decision you made or what direction you took.
We humans are a funny bunch. Often, the biggest lesson you learn can come from a difficult time or situation. When the experience is not enjoyable, it can make us say, “I’m not going to do that again!” We might view that situation as a mistake. The Universe understands that you were just at a pivot point. The only one who puts all the emotions into it is us.
Let’s recap what we’ve learned:
1) When the mind wants to stress over making any decision – take a deep inhalation breath with a slow exhale and say,
This isn’t about me making the wrong decision – “This is about opportunity. How do I want to experience this? Easy, Middle of the Road, or challenging? No right or wrong here.
• Know and state: I can’t make a wrong decision here. So the question really is –
• Which decision will lead me to my best outcome?
• What would I choose if I wasn’t afraid?
• What would I choose if I wasn’t worried about how someone else would react?
At the end of the day, you really DO KNOW what you want.
2) Put the power back into your hands by understanding what kind of decision this is anyway. Is this decision leading me to an Aligned Interaction, or is this a Destined Experience?
Understanding Universal truths WILL move you much farther ahead in your life than EVER before.
• Start choosing your decisions consciously – they matter, YOU matter! What we’ve talked about today is just one part of the equation because, in every moment, there are ALWAYS 3 Levels of Pure Possibility – Good, Better, and Best. Did you know that???
• What levels of decisions are you subconsciously choosing? Good, better, or best? Never let it rest until the good is better and the better is best! As they say.
• Life and Decisions are about opportunity. Are you seeing the best opportunities that are available to you at every moment? If you aren’t, then they are passing you by like a ship in the night. Don’t lose out on all the great things life offers YOU!
Come and join us as we will talk about the 3 possibilities that are available in every moment – how to see what they are, as well as how to choose them – bringing consistency step by step to the best place your life can be if you choose it to be so.