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    First of all is the notion of stand in your truth. In the beginning my thoughts were something l like this: Why are we talking about this. This is easy because I tell the truth .... over the years truth and standing in my truth is so much more complex and has many layers both subtle and clearly visible. That is my cornerstone. Next is having the opportunity to look fear in the face, examine it and make efforts to take on my own fears. Having faith that all is according to plan and God is in control was not a new idea for me but I had not given it much thought or put my belief to the test of action. I would like to note how much I have come to love and trust the people that I have come to know. I trust that the work is for the good of all. I am in awe of the power of many working together to send prayerful energy for others benefit is what this is all about for me. Thanks Kim. And I stand in my truth in these comments.